Welcome to VCC Kids Church! We offer classes for kids and youth and are always planning something fun to help them experience God! Have questions about our Kids Church programs or want to come visit? Contact us at info@discovervcc.org for more information! 

Kids Church 1st Sundays
We always have great events in Kids Church, but on 1st Sundays we are doing something a little different.
Each first Sunday will feature a different theme and special events, snacks, and more! 
Invite your friends to join us for the fun!  
Let's Get Connected
We want to  keep you updated on what’s going on with our kids. We now have a Facebook group and page dedicated to our Kids Church and we are also on Instagram.
It’s for parents and volunteers and we will be sharing details on  upcoming special events, monthly lesson updates for both Kids Church and our Youth, great resources and more!
Prayer Resources
We have put together a prayer resource for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and anyone who wants to pray over the children in their lives. It includes scriptures you can speak over your children and a daily prayer guide. Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death.”
As parents, you have the power to speak life or death to your children and over your children. When you choose to speak the Word of God over your children, you are choosing to speak life over them. We have put together an easy prayer guide to help you get started. 
Click the button below to download our Parent’s Prayer Guide.
VCC Parent's Prayer Guide Download